In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, your personal data, in the capacity of Data Controller, will be recorded and stored by our Company, limited only to our commercial activities, in order to carry out medical health services, to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, and to quickly resolve your questions and problems, It can be processed by updating, transferring and/or classifying.

We would like to point out that in accordance with the Laws and Regulations issued by our Company to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and to protect personal data, our Company provides appropriate security in order to prevent unlawful processing of your personal data, to prevent unlawful access and to ensure its preservation. takes all technical and administrative measures to ensure the level of

The personal data that we will process as a data controller are given below, but not limited to those stated here:


  • The use of certain sections during the use of our company's website
  • Filling out some forms
  • Sharing by you while reaching our company via e-mail address or telephone on our website
  • Your personal data is obtained for the purposes of using our website or sharing data with our company via e-mail or mobile applications, but not limited to the implementation of current company policies and procedures. However, the methods mentioned are exemplary and obtaining your personal data is not limited to these.


Your data, which is processed by our company in the capacity of Data Controller and considered as personal data in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, is shown below. However, the specified data are not limited to these.

  • Your Name, Surname, Turkish Identity Number, if you are not a Turkish citizen, your passport number or temporary TR identity number, your identity data such as place and date of birth, marital status, gender, and a photocopy of your submitted TR Identity Card, Passport or Driver's License,
  • Your contact data such as address, telephone number, e-mail address,
  • Your data such as occupation, bank account and IBAN number
  • Your private health insurance data and Social Security Institution data for the purpose of financing and planning health services
  • Your browsing information, IP address, browser information obtained during the use of our website and mobile application
  • In addition to your personal data listed above, your special personal data listed below but not limited to these are also processed.
  • Your health data obtained during the execution of medical diagnosis, treatment and care services such as test results, examination data, prescription information.
  • Your image recordings taken with a closed circuit camera system during your visit to our clinics
  • Intraoral – Before and After photos
  • Your panoramic x-ray and tomography images
  • Your history and treatment plans


Your personal data;

  • Informing about your appointment,
  • Confirmation of your identity,
  • Confirming your relationship with contracted institutions,
  • Financing of health services, meeting the expenses of examination, diagnosis and treatment, sharing your requested information with private insurance companies,
  • Invoicing,
  • Analyzing to improve health services, training our employees,
  • Fulfilling your quality improvement activities,
  • Answering all your questions and complaints about your health services,
  • Taking all necessary technical and administrative measures within the scope of your data security,
  • Participation in campaigns and giving campaign information,
  • In order to measure, increase and research patient satisfaction
  • Within the framework of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, the Basic Law on Health Services No. 3359, the Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliates, Regulation on Private Hospitals, Regulation on the Processing of Personal Health Data and Protection of Privacy, Ministry of Health regulations and other legislation. is processed.

Your health data, which is one of your private data, is processed by our doctors, who are under confidentiality obligation, for the purpose of protecting public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services.

Our company processes your data primarily within the scope of your explicit consent. However, in cases where express consent is not required in the KVKK Law No. 6698, it is processed without your specific consent in the cases listed in Article 5 of the KVKK Law No. 6698.

Data on race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, disguise and dress, membership in associations, foundations or unions, health, sexual life, criminal convictions and security measures, and biometric and genetic data are of special nature. is personal data. Private personal data is limited to these. Your Personal Data of Special Quality as mentioned above cannot be processed without your explicit consent. In the cases listed in Article 6 of the KVKK Law No. 6698, it is also processed without your special consent.


Your personal data that you share with our company may be collected through automatic or non-automatic methods, offices, branches, website, verbally, in writing or electronically. Your personal data will be stored in electronic and/or physical media. Our company implements the necessary business processes design and technical security infrastructure developments in order to prevent your personal data provided and stored by our company from being exposed to unauthorized access, manipulation, loss or damage in the environments where they are stored.

Your personal data will be processed by taking all necessary information security measures, provided that it is not used outside the purposes and scope notified to you, and will be stored and processed during the legal retention period or, if such a period is not foreseen, for the period required by the processing purpose. When this period expires, your personal data will be removed from our Company's data streams by deletion, destruction or anonymization methods.


Your personal data, Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, Health Services Basic Law No. 3359, Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliates, Regulation on Private Hospitals, Regulation on the Processing and Privacy of Personal Health Data and regulations of the Ministry of Health and other within the framework of the relevant legislation provisions and for the purposes described above;

  • With the Ministry of Health, sub-units and family medicine centers affiliated to the Ministry,With the Ministry of Health, sub-units and family medicine centers affiliated to the Ministry,
  • With private insurance companies (health, retirement, life insurance, etc.),
  • With the Social Security Institution,
  • With the General Directorate of Security and other law enforcement agencies,
  • With the General Directorate of Population,
  • With the Turkish Pharmacists Association,
  • Wth judicial authorities,
  • With laboratories, medical centers, medical devices and institutions providing health services in Turkey or abroad, with which we cooperate for medical diagnosis and treatment,
  • If you are referred, with the health institution to which you were referred or applied,
  • With your authorized legal representatives,
  • With regulatory and supervisory institutions and official authorities,
  • If your billing will be made to your employer, with your employer,
  • It may be shared with your suppliers, support service providers and business partners whose services you benefit from or cooperate with.
  • Your personal data cannot be transferred to third parties in the country without your explicit consent. However, it can be transferred without your explicit consent if one of the conditions specified in the second paragraph of Article 5 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and in the third paragraph of Article 6 are taken, provided that adequate precautions are taken.

Your personal data may be transferred abroad with your explicit consent. It cannot be transferred without your consent. However, the existence of one of the conditions specified in the second paragraph of Article 5 and the third paragraph of Article 6 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 and in the foreign country where the personal data will be transferred; a) In the absence of sufficient protection, b) In the absence of sufficient protection, data controllers in Turkey and the relevant foreign country undertake to provide adequate protection in writing and may be transferred abroad without the explicit consent of the person concerned, provided that the Board has permission.


By applying to our company, your personal data;

  • İşlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme,
  • İşlenmişse bilgi talep etme,
  • İşlenme amacını ve amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme,
  • Yurt içinde / yurt dışında aktarıldığı 3. kişileri bilme,
  • Eksik / yanlış işlenmişse düzeltilmesini isteme,
  • KVKK’nın 7. maddesinde öngörülen şartlar çerçevesinde silinmesini / yok edilmesini isteme,
  • Aktarıldığı 3. kişilere yukarıda sayılan (5) ve (6) bentleri uyarınca yapılan işlemlerin bildirilmesini isteme,
  • Münhasıran otomatik sistemler ile analiz edilmesi nedeniyle aleyhinize bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasına itiraz etme,
  • Kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğramanız hâlinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme haklarına sahipsiniz.
  • KVKK Kanunu’nun 13. maddesinin 1. fıkrası gereğince, yukarıda belirtilen haklarınızı kullanmak ile ilgili talebinizi, yazılı olarak veya Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu’nun belirlediği diğer yöntemlerle Şirketimize iletebilirsiniz.

Yukarıda belirtilen haklarınızı kullanmak için kimliğinizi tespit edici gerekli bilgiler ile aşağıda verdiğimiz iletişim bilgilerini kullanarak şirketimize başvuru yapabilirsiniz.

İletişim Bilgileri:


  • camlikdis.com web adresindeki “Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Uyarınca Başvuru Formu”nu doldurarak
  • Çamlaraltı, 6010. Sk. No:13, 20160 Merkez/Denizli adresine bizzat teslim ederek
  • Noter veya posta kanalıyla göndererek
  • info@camlikdis.com adresine güvenli elektronik ya da mobil imzalı olarak, kayıtlı elektronik posta adresi veya sisteminizde kayıtlı elektronik e-posta adresiniz aracılığıyla iletebilirsiniz.
  • Veri Sorumlusu olan Şirketimize yukarıdaki yollarla ilettiğiniz talebinizi en geç 30 (Otuz) gün içinde ücretsiz olarak sonuçlandıracağız. Ancak, işlemin ayrıca bir maliyeti gerektirmesi hâlinde, Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu’nca belirlenmiş tarifedeki ücretin tarafınızca ödenmesi gerekir.

Veri Sorumlusu olarak yaptığınız talebi kabul edebilir veya gerekçesini açıklayarak reddedebilir ve cevabımızı tarafınıza yazılı olarak veya elektronik ortamda bildirebiliriz. Başvurunuzda yer alan talebinizin kabul edilmesi hâlinde Veri Sorumlusu olarak gereğini yerine getireceğiz. Başvurunuzun, Veri Sorumlusu olarak Şirketimizin bir hatasından kaynaklanması durumunda başvurunuz için bir ücret alındıysa tarafınıza iade edilecektir.


Şirketimiz ile aranızdaki ticari faaliyetin mahiyetinden kaynaklanan yükümlülüklerin yerine getirilebilmesi ve işyeri kurallarının tatbiki adına, işlendikleri amaç için gerekli olan süre kadar kişisel verileriniz muhafaza edilecektir.

Buna ek olarak, İşlenen veriler daha sonra akdedilen bir sözleşme dolayısı ile işlenmiş ise Şirket, iş sözleşmesinden veya ticari sözleşmeden doğabilecek herhangi bir uyuşmazlık durumunda, uyuşmazlık kapsamında gerekli savunmaların gerçekleştirilebilmesi amacıyla sınırlı olmak üzere ve ilgili mevzuat uyarınca belirlenen, iş ve ticaret ilişkisinin sona ermesinden itibaren 10(on) yıllık zamanaşımı süresince kişisel verileri saklayabilecektir.


Şirketimiz verilerinizi işlerken şu ilkeleri gözetmektedir:

  • Kişisel verilerinizin hukuka ve dürüstlük kuralına uygun bir biçimde işlenmesi
  • Kişisel veri işlemenin doğru olması
  • İşlemenin kapsamının belirli olması
  • İşlemenin meşru amaçlar için gerçekleştirilmesi
  • İşlemenin; verilerin toplandığı veya yeniden işlendiği amaçla bağlantılı, sınırlı ve ölçülü olması
  • Verilerinizin güncel olması
  • Verilerinizin işlendikleri amaç için gerekli olan süre kadar muhafaza edilmesi


Şirketimiz 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanununa uygun olarak işlediği verilerinizi güvenli ve makul bir şekilde korumayı taahhüt eder. Kişisel verilerinizin hukuka aykırı olarak işlenmesini ve erişilmesini engellemek ve kişisel verilerinizin muhafazasını sağlamak amacıyla uygun güvenlik düzeyini temin etmeye yönelik teknik ve idari tedbirleri çeşitli yöntemler ve güvenlik teknolojileri kullanarak gerçekleştirmektedir. Ayrıca, özel nitelikli kişisel verileriniz Kurul tarafından belirlenen yeterli önlemlerin alınması ile işlenmektedir.

Şirket, elde ettiği kişisel verileri bu işbu aydınlatma metni ve 6698 Sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu hükümlerine aykırı olarak başkasına açıklamayacaktır ve işleme amacı dışında kullanmayacaktır. Şirket, işbu aydınlatma metni hükümleri uyarınca dış kaynak hizmet sağlayıcılarla kişisel verilerinizin paylaşılması durumunda, söz konusu dış kaynak tedarikçilerinin de işbu madde altında yer alan taahhütlere riayet edeceğini beyan eder.